Lesson 4:
어디 가요?
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OK, this is an important lesson. We're going to drop verb conjugation on your lap. You'll be learning simple present tense. We're going to assume it's not like anything you've learned before, and take it slowly. So slowly that the next 3 lessons are all going to be about simple present verbs! Our vocabulary will of course be verbs, but we're also going to start you off with some basic question words. You can check them out below.
So that's our vocabulary: verbs. Our grammar is of course present tense verb conjugation. On Day 3, we'll practice some listening with these verbs. For Korean Plus (Day 4), we're changing it up a little: we're going to teach you some interesting family vocabulary, and a little about levels of politeness when greeting someone.
Enjoy your studying!
After you know this vocabulary, move on to DAY 2 to for maybe the most important aspect of Korean grammar! →

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Lesson 4 Grammar:
Present Tense I
OK. Verb conjugation. This is big. This is important.
This is in some ways easier than other languages, and in other ways different than other languages. Which means it can be hard to become fluent with. Here are the things you need to know:
First, the 다 ending (example: 가다) you studied yesterday is the unconjugated form of the verb, just like 'to go.' That's how we list them in the dictionary.
Get rid of the 다. The ending will be 요. Because Koreans are all hipsters.
Here's the tricky part: if the final vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ, we add 아요 to the verb. But, if the vowel is anything besides ㅏ or ㅗ, we add 어요 to the verb.
We're lazy, so 가아요 becomes 가요. 만나아요 becomes 만나요.
Note: 마시다's final vowel (after losing 다) is ㅣ, so we need to add 어요 to the verb. That should look like this: 마시어요. Once again, because we're lazy, we shorten it to 마셔요.
*Pro tip: We don't need to change this verb according to the subject. This isn't Latin. Actually, we often omit the subject and assume the listener understands through context. Yes, it leads to confusion.
*Pro tip 2: These words can be simple present tense (I go to school), and they can be present progressive (I'm going to school). Again, context.
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Wow. You're getting this! Don't worry, it'll get easier with practice. Let's move on to DAY 3 for more of that! →